Coming Soon!
In the meantime, head to MyMythos.org for the new book, Mythic Color.
Personal Mythology Printables That Turn Everyday Tasks Into
Super Powers
Smart parents know that the key to getting kids on the right track is imagination.

The Power To Heal
Putting a bandaid on your friend! Or when your body heals itself.

The Power To Spread Happiness
Choosing to be happy even when things don’t go your way!

The Power of Confidence
Knowing that confidence is something you can work on and level up!

The Power To Complete Quests
Every life challenge is an opportunity to complete a new quest!

The Power Of Empathy
Being able to feel what other people feel!

The Power Of Intelligence
Being able to use facts to figure anything out!

The Power of Self Control
The ability to control your emotions and actions!

The Power of Clarity
Always seeking truth and honesty and to remove the clouds of doubt!
MyMythos Perfectly Blends ‘Getting Things Done’ and ‘Making Things Fun’
What People are Saying

“Oh my god!”
“I am a teacher and a gamer, and I have been looking for something like this for a while now.“
Jenna G.

“A better reason than because I told you!”
“I love being able to track color power levels with my seven year old! It really gives her a sense of accomplishment when doing her chores or homework!“
Spencer K.

“A total success.”
“It works so well for getting him to do chores and he asks all the time if he has earned his next power level yet.”
Sara D.

“A series of ingenious techniques that bring personal mythology into the 21st century.“
Stanley K. Ph.D.
Personal Mythology
It’s the world inside you that affects everything you think and do.
Jason is 10. He’s trying to discover himself and his dreams.
By completing MyMythos activities he has realized that the reason green is his favorite color is because he loves growth and healing.
Over time he realizes he wants to be a doctor and herbalist. His parents buy him books and plants for this, which sets him on a lifelong journey of healing others.
Bella is 7 years old, very kind, and well behaved. Lately she’s acting out when her parents ask chores of her. But why?
No one would have guessed her favorite animal is the lion and why. But by sparking conversation through MyMythos her parents discover she associates the lion with the freedom to roam outdoors and that this is her innermost desire.
Bella’s parents make a deal with her to give her more outdoors time so she doesn’t feel so restricted.

If you like bees you might value providing for your family.
What is the most powerful color?
What color makes you the happiest?
How would you describe yourself?
Is it better to give or receive?
If you like green you might like to be outdoors more often.
Why are you afraid of your biggest fear?
What animal are you most like?
The answers to these questions is your Personal Mythology – a world inside of you that you can explore and build!
Entertainment addiction is now parents number one issue in parenting. There is a battle for kids attention – and games are winning.
Of Kids Sometimes Skip Homework to Game
Of Kids Game As a Way to Escape Problems And Feelings
Of Kids Sometimes Skip Chores to Game
Source: Psychological Science
Kids spend too much time on games and the internet because they don’t know how rewarding real life experience can actually be.
Get Off The Games and Get Your
Super Powers!
MyMythos gets kids thinking about “leveling up” in the real world.
The idea is to gamify life a little bit and get kids thinking about who they are and who they wish to be. Every famous athlete and coach will tell you to imagine winning. Never underestimate the power of imagination and frame of mind to help you succeed.

Thinking of water as a health potion.
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